Loveable Barky Dogs

As professional pet groomers, we hear a lot of barking dogs! We can also testify that some breeds bark more than others. Some of the most vocal dog breeds are rat terriers, beagles, dachshunds, yorkies, chihuahuas, rat terriers, Australian shepherds, miniature schnauzers, westies, and cairn terriers. Most of these breeds were developed for herding or…

Help! My Dog Has Been Skunked!

Dogs love to investigate everything in their environment, but this natural curiosity can sometimes lead to trouble. When a skunk is disturbed by a nosy dog, it reacts by releasing a spray of foul-smelling oil right into your dog’s face. Although it can seem like a disaster when your dog comes bounding home smelling of…

High Maintenance Pups

Which dog breeds require the most grooming? All dog breeds need some grooming, but some are much more high-maintenance than others. While some short-haired dogs can get away with an occasional bath, other breeds need regular pampering to stay healthy & good looking. Let’s take a look at some of the common dog breeds that…

Dogs & Shedding Hair

Shedding is a normal part of a dog’s life. As professional dog groomers, we deal with normal hair loss and seasonal shedding on a regular basis. But it’s important to realize that shedding can occur for other reasons as well. Here’s an overview of the top reasons your dog may be shedding hair.   Normal…

How to Clean Your Dog’s Ears

A dog’s ears are without doubt one of the most sensitive regions of the animal’s body. Our furry friends use their ears for everything from detecting can openers (from several rooms away), to monitoring when the neighbors let their cat out. They also communicate important emotions like curiousity, happiness, and “when’s dinner?” Lots can go…

Should Cats be Bathed?

Although it’s a common belief that you can’t or shouldn’t bathe cats, this is actually far from the truth. While cats often do excel at self-cleaning, some breeds, especially long-haired varieties, will probably need some grooming assistance to stay clean and mat free. And of course if you have a curious kitty prone to mischief,…