Why Choose Mobile Cat Grooming

Cats are typically very clean animals. However, occasionally they too need a little help looking and feeling fabulous. You may consider a spa day for your furry babe, and when you do, mobile cat grooming can provide the perfect experience. Why Groom a Cat As mentioned earlier, cats are typically clean. They spend a lot of time and…

How NOT to Wash Your Cat

Amid the howls of objection, and promises of severing any diplomatic ties they once granted you, most people wonder what they were thinking when they decided to give their feline friend a bath, who is probably very literally fighting tooth and nail. At Awesome Doggies, we hear your stories, and we understand. In the spirit…

Tips for Grooming A Cranky Cat

You might think that cats are self-cleaning creatures, but actually even the most industrious kitty needs a little help in the grooming department from time to time. If you’re living with a cat, plan to spend time grooming your furry friend. Of course, that may be easier said than done if you have a cranky…

How to Groom a Persian Cat

Persian cats have beautiful long hair but they do need a lot of care to keep from matting and tangling. With regular grooming, they can be the most gorgeous animals around. However, grooming a Persian for the first time can be a daunting prospect. Here is your guide to grooming your Persian puss at home.…

Cat Scratching Got You Fevered?

You probably know why your cat is scratching up the furniture – it helps sharpen her claws, and it’s also a way of stretching her muscles. But knowing the reasons your cat shreds your belongings doesn’t make it any easier to deal with when your furry friend is ruining the furniture. This week’s blog post…

Hairball Prevention For Cats

Hairballs are an unfortunate reality for both cats and their owners: while cat owners cringe at the familiar hunching, hacking and gulping that signals their pet is about to expel a hairball, the poor kitty looks to be just as distressed as he gyrates and gags in an effort to rid his stomach and throat…

Should Cats be Bathed?

Although it’s a common belief that you can’t or shouldn’t bathe cats, this is actually far from the truth. While cats often do excel at self-cleaning, some breeds, especially long-haired varieties, will probably need some grooming assistance to stay clean and mat free. And of course if you have a curious kitty prone to mischief,…