To avoid unnecessary charges, please be aware of the following…
We ask that you give advance notice if your pet will not be able to keep his or her grooming appointment. PLEASE CALL US AS SOON AS YOU KNOW THAT YOU CAN’T KEEP AN APPOINTMENT. If you provide less than 48 hrs advance notice, you will be charged a cancellation fee unless we can find another client to take the appointment slot that was reserved for you.
Cancellation fees are progressive:
1st occurrence – trip charge only (usually $25)
2nd occurrence – 50% of regular fees
3rd (or more) occurrence – 100% of regular fees
If we come to your house but are unable to provide service due to a problem with access to your pet(s) or property, you will be charged as for a cancellation. If you are not at home, we will attempt to contact you by phone, and we will wait 10 minutes before leaving for our next appointment. If you can remedy the situation within an hour or two, we might be able to come back the same day, in which case you will be charged for the extra trip, but not for a cancellation. Our ability to return on the same day depends on whether we have other jobs scheduled in the area and whether our other clients can be flexible with their appointment times.