How to Save on Vet Bills

Having a pet comes with a price. While the costs are worthwhile, it still helps to keep expenses down where possible, especially when it comes to the cost of veterinary care. We at Awesome Doggiesknow that when your dog or cat gets sick, the price of care adds up quickly. Here are 23 ways you can…

How NOT to Wash Your Dog

It is time for the dreaded B word. It is the word that sends some dogs running for cover, and fills some puppy parents with feelings of anxiety. While you may not convince your pup to love a b-a-t-h, doing it correctly may solve problems you did not know you had. Here are a few…

How NOT to Wash Your Cat

Amid the howls of objection, and promises of severing any diplomatic ties they once granted you, most people wonder what they were thinking when they decided to give their feline friend a bath, who is probably very literally fighting tooth and nail. At Awesome Doggies, we hear your stories, and we understand. In the spirit…

Top Poison Dangers for Your Dog

If your dog is like most, he probably has a penchant for mischief; and that means occasionally getting in to things that are better left alone. Some of these things can even lead to accidental poisonings. Each year there are over one hundred thousand cases of dog poisonings. Many of those cases are caused by…