Awesome Doggies serves over 30 neighborhoods and communities in San Diego County. That sounds like a lot of ground to cover (and it is), but we do it in a way that results in very personal service for you and your pet. Each of our absolutely awesome groomers concentrates her practice in just a few neighborhoods. That keeps our travel time reasonable, which means we have more time to lavish on you and your pets. You get to see the same groomer every time, and we get to know your pet’s special needs and preferences.
When booking your appointment, feel free to talk with our dispatcher about which of our great groomers works in your area. She’ll be happy to chat with you about your pet’s personality and special needs, and recommend the best groomer for your situation. Your doggie (or kitty) will have a new best friend before you know it!
Wondering if our mobile pet grooming salons come to your neighborhood? Here’s a list of the communities where we work. We go to all the areas listed, even though not all of them have their own pages yet. (We’re pretty busy just grooming dogs – and this website stuff takes time we’d much rather be spending with your pooch!)